Ulises Catalayud
- Studio: Yoga Care
- 200, 500, 700 and 800 (internship) Certified Dharma Yoga Teacher
- Background: Student of Dharma Yoga since 2017. Studying and practicing Meditation, Tantra, Yoga, Reiki, Native traditions since 1993. After a successful career as an international executive in the corporate world, Ulises Calatayud is now dedicated to help people become the
best version of themselves in his New York City studio, YogaCare . In March 2019, Ulises was elected the President of the International Sports Federation (IYSF). Ulises has been teaching Dharma Yoga, Bikram yoga, Meditation, Breathing techniques, Mental Physics, Reiki and Tantra for over 25 years. Ulises has been studying with Sri Dharma Mittra and is completing his internship to become a 1,000 hours Certified Dharma Yoga Teacher. He lives in New York City with his wife Ale and kids - Personal Statement: My prayer is to inspire you to search and integrate into your life the ancient, natural and simple practices that will unleash your maximum potential as a human being. May your life be full of Harmony, Peace, Health, Youth and Love.
Address: 121 Fulton St, 3 rd Floor, NY, NY 10038
Telephone: 212 964 6411
Website: https://yogacare.com/
Instagram: @yogacarenyc
Facebook: @yogacare
Twitter: @yogacarenyc