Kim Perry
- Studio: The Yoga Shala Utah
- 200 & 500 hr Certified Dharma Yoga Teacher. Student of Dharma Yoga since 2015, Student of yoga since 2008
- Background in Education, Math and Sciences. Peacefully connects with, and happily guides all levels of yoga students Teaching Dharma Yoga since 2017, all levels yoga classes, pranayama home practice development
- Personal Statement: I am so very grateful for Sri Dharma Mittra. I feel incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity to come to the Dharma Yoga Center and learn from Sri Dharma Mittra and all of the wonderful teachers here in this very special place. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and share this knowledge in our Dharma Yoga Utah community.
Address: 845 N State St A, Orem, UT 84057
Telephone: (801) 225-4844
Instagram: @theyogashala108
Facebook: @yogashala108